Marianne Wells Yoga School

Avoid These Yoga Mistakes at All Costs

Whenever you are in the middle of a yoga training session, you have to keep your focus entirely within the class to perfect every pose and learn from the teacher as they walk you through all the yoga steps. Since some yoga poses are very complex, you should be ready to make some mistakes in the process. However, you can always learn from your yoga teacher and avoid the mistakes the next time you make the same pose.

So, here are some of the biggest mistakes you should avoid at all costs when doing yoga. You can also avoid these mistakes by learning yoga from trained professionals at Marianne Wells Yoga School.

Improper Clothing

If you are going to start practicing yoga regularly, you will definitely need the proper yoga attire. Keep in mind that it will take a few tries before you can figure out what type of clothes work best for you. You should wear yoga clothes which are neither too tight or too loose.

So, always invest in the right clothes before starting your yoga sessions.

Marianne Wells Yoga School Dirty Yoga Mat

While there is nothing wrong in investing in a cheap yoga mat, the material used in these mats tends to start losing its shape very soon. Moreover, these mats can be really difficult to clean up once they get dirty. To avoid any type of allergies, you should properly clean your yoga mats on regular basis.

Avoiding Props

You might think that props are only for physically challenged people, but it is not entirely true. Props can actually help you deepen your yoga poses, and benefit a lot from them. So, if your teacher asks you to use props in your yoga poses, you should definitely use them.

These were some of the biggest mistakes you should avoid as a yoga beginner.

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