Bashir Dawood

What is a charitable organization?

A charitable organization is, in fact, an organization that is not only created, but also works for the sole purpose of offering profitable services or products that in one way or another can help people like Bashir Dawood.

Here are four important things to keep in mind before making a donation to a charity:

  1. Find out who asks for money

Well, for some charities it is common to ask for professional help from fundraisers to make offers and not hire their own staff. These charities will pay the fundraiser with the donations they receive.

If you feel that you are lazy, answering your questions or answers that do not seem justified, it is better to make this donation. Avoid calling under high pressure.

  1. Call a charity

Do you have a request by phone, mail or email? Whatever the regime, it is always advisable to call a charity to find out if they really know and have authorized the request. If not, it could be a scam. Therefore, you should always call a charity to make sure they know about the attraction.

  1. Bashir DawoodRequest information in writing.

Any true fundraiser will not even think twice when it is time to send this information in writing. In addition, they will also send you information on how your donation will be used, as well as evidence that your donation is probably tax deductible. Be sure to understand the difference between non-taxable and non-taxable.

  1. Donations in cash

Giving or sending cash to any charity will never be a good idea. This is because you can lose or steal cash. In addition, you will not have any written record of your donation for tax reasons.


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