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Explanation about the use of instant loan

The instant loan has long been established alongside classic loan models and is very popular. Here it is explained to you what makes an same day loans, what the advantages are and how you can conveniently apply for it online.

The instant loan differs from classic installment loans primarily in the speed of the disbursement. While with installment loans it often takes weeks before the loan amount is paid off, this process usually only takes a few days with instant loans click here for more.

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This is also where the big advantage lies: As a customer, you can react flexibly and quickly if you want to make an investment. Where there is no difference between the two types of credit is repayment. As with the installment loan, you then pay off your instant loan on a monthly installment basis and benefit from the favorable conditions of that particular bank. In addition, few banks grants an extended right of withdrawal within 30 days.

What can I use an instant loan for?

Since the instant loan is not earmarked, you can freely dispose of the loan amount up to 50,000 bucks. Traditionally, these loans are used in few countries for cars. The expensive consumer goods such as televisions or refrigerators (36%). 16% of all loans are applied for due to the modernization of your own four walls or a move. Other reasons are weddings, trips or private investments (1% each). Instant loans can therefore be used for any purpose imaginable and tailored entirely to your personal needs.


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